restauro stucchi e marmorino

Restoration of Palazzo Carminati. Consolidation and integration of stuccos and marmorino decorations

The second step of the restoration of the second noble floor of Palazzo Carminati, carried out under the direction of Edilizia Scolastica area of Comune di Venezia and financed by “Fondi Strutturali Europei” coordinated from MIUR, concerned the XVIth Century decorative apparatus consolidation. We began with passing hall, where we consolidated the wall decorations on the detachment points and between layers trough injection. This intervention concened also the walls where subsisted mural gaps and cracks.

All marmorino surfaces were treated using specific mixture, in order to impede biological attacks formation. After the consolidation step, superficial sections were plastered, finished and decorated using the same mixture.


The final step concerned the integration of stucco decorations. For this purpose we complete the defects of decorative apparatus and frames using a blend of lime aged more than 5 years, marble powder and other traditional additives. The stucco was applied and modeled directly on the surface and finally it was engraved and decorated by replicating the original ornamentation.