Uni.S.Ve Srl

Dorsoduro 3077 - 30123 Venezia (VE)

Tel: +39 041 5225023

Email: info@unisve.it

P.I. e C.f. 03802540272 - SDI BA6ET11

The UNISVE headquarters houses a multifunctional restoration laboratory, a small exhibition space with samples of the works we produce and the technical office. It is located near the Ponte dei Pugni, between Campo Santa Margherita and Campo San Barnaba.

Administrative and personnel office

Phone: +39 041 5225023

Email: info@unisve.it c.tolin@unisve.it

Technical and commercial office

Phone: +39 348 5145638

Email: info@unisve.it g.jaccarino@unisve.it

Events, courses and teaching

Phone: +39 041 5225023

Email: info@unisve.it

If you want you can contact our technicians

Master Plaster Mason

Giorgio Berto

Architect and Restorer

Guido Jaccarino

Master Decorator

Danilo Scaggiante


Sara Rachele Risi


Chiara Tolin


Katia Jancikic

Uni.S.Ve srl

Conservation and restoration.
Renovation of prestigious properties.
Museum installations.